Wednesday, June 07, 2006

About that vellum tape

Things don't always do what they're supposed to. I got this fancy vellum tape so that the adhesive wouldn't show through the sheer vellum. BUT, not only did I have a 'bad scrap day', the lettering was all out of line, but the vellum tape shows through. (See the pic)

And , I did follow the instructions. Now I've got these new vellum dots and I can't wait to get back to the drawing board and see if they do what they promise.

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Someday we'll all be free

I usually car pool. Today I drove to work. I was listening to a song by Sting,"Rise & fall".

Something about getting caught up in what you do and losing your integrity. I am overwhelmed by
goodness and grace and pray to never lose my integrity. Nor the freedom to praise, to worship.

The promise was..a land flowing with milk and honey.

Yet, soon they were slaves, in the very land that was promised. Being free is giving up all that you are and all that you have,
receiving manna, daily bread and not needing to store, not only because you can't, but because you won't.

Being free to serve. Free to choose. And being a servant is the promotion. No more a slave in Egypt. I am free.

I was going to complain about vellum adhesive...maybe tomorrow.

The journey is the goal

just in case someone wants to know why I blog, here are my goals.

1. To create an awareness of scrapbooking as a creative pursuit and expression of self.

2. To share tips, ideas and stories.

3. By blogging, and eventually linking my blog to my upcoming website, my shop "smidapaper"
will become a name people will associate with 'scrapbook life'

4. To create a community of people , all with something unique to share and to enrich lives by writing and listening.

But really, people blog because they want to be heard. Blogging is like a license to say what you want, what you mean.
No holds barred. Take it or leave it. Not a journal , you hide under your pillow. The real me. The real you. And the more you blog, the more, you will find, who that really is. So maybe, that, after all, is the goal.

The journey is the goal.

Sunday, June 04, 2006

Thank God for my blog coach!

My blog coach told me today, nicely, I might add, that I had to try to blog at least once a day. I know he's right. By now , I have so much to share , it's all a jumbled mess. I will try. I know he wants me to say "I will". I will. Try.

The weekend craft bazaar went well. We made a lot of contacts and a few people signed up for our intro class. More of a 'sowing' than a 'reaping', but hey, you reap what you sow. Besides, I had so much fun, I didn't realise when it was time to pack up.

The mall gave us an extra table and we used it as a 'workshop', Aster, Lin & me. So fun. Lin did two pages for her own book, Aster & I worked on samples for father's day cards. Which got me thinking of my dad. Whom I miss, and I wonder what he would think of me doing this. But then, my dad, would have been proud of me if I just sat down all day. That got me thinking about Lin's dad,who let's me sit down all day and make scrapbook layouts, in a mall, on a Sunday. Wow, scrapbooking sure puts you in an attitude of gratitude.

So this one's for the guys, the fathers, of course. And the sons who make the guys,well, fathers. And a resounding hurrah for the father, who supports the wife, who sits in the mall all day, making scrapbook layouts...oftentimes, inpired by him.

Friday, June 02, 2006

The flowers arrived

Just back from the city. I had the chance to meet, and now, work with some lovely people, who share my passion for scrapbooking ,and now, are helping me out with the new shop. Cheers to you, girls!

More stuff arrived and the store is beginning to look like, well, a store. I remember when we came back with our first purchase. Three little boxes.

People came in to look, and buy, and we spent some time rearranging and organizing, scheduling classes and preparing for this weekend's craft bazaar. I'm just having so much fun.

I'm learning new things everyday, getting in touch with new contacts but surely the highlight of the week was when the flowers arrived. Prima flowers. Rows of beautiful mulberry paper flowers.Do I have to sell them? I've already started using them on my new delightful. Scrapbooking is such a happy pursuit.