Saturday, July 03, 2010

pretty sweet

So finally I got some time to work on my 'week in the life ' project. The other day I did the opening page and today I managed to finish a whole day's worth. There were so many photos and it was hard to choose which to use. Thankfully I wrote all my thoughts down cos I surely wouldn't have a clue what these photos were about. Now it's July and the photos were taken in April. Reading my journaling I see how things change and how quickly. Some days I wrote a long story. Some days not so long and some days just thoughts or random list type observations.
Two things to note about day 1, how tired I was about having the decision to open the new store or not and thinking to myself, 'I should join the gym'. 3 months later, I have made that awful decision & I have, yes indeed, joined the gym. Yay, me! I had endless conversations with God during this time. Sometimes I felt that the answer was in me. Other times "I will give you the desires of your heart". One day, I couldn't even remember what they were. And another day I asked 'ALL the desires?' I'm surprised my family still talk to me for if I was sick of thinking about it they must surely be sick of hearing me out and helping me make sense of it.
'This too shall pass..." holds true as it always has and ever will. This week, it is all behind me. I'm watching tv with Sarah, body balancing at the gym for all I'm worth, feeling strong and hopeful. Spending the afternoon yak yakking with a friend & scrapping. Maybe not ALL the desires of my heart. Just the one that means the most. Seriously, the answer is in you. All the answers are in you. As He is.
What can change in 3 months? You would not imagine. Everything. And nothing. And it still looks pretty sweet. Midlife is a pretty interesting place.


Cindy Lee said...

Nice post today! Can't believe 3 months have passed since we started talking about the new store :)

Sharon Cornelius-Xavier said...

Beautiful LO you have here.

Sharon Cornelius-Xavier said...

And Btw, yes surely you can use the sample card. (=

Jessy Christopher said...

The hot air balloon is so pretty!! I like the colors on your layout!!