Friday, February 15, 2008


We wait and wait for Chinese New Year, not just for the family reunion and the celebration , but also for the break.
it is the only time most businesses in Penang close for an extended period. The only time for a well deserved rest.

This didn't happen this year. Philip's parents moved house just before CNY and most of our days were spent there.
At the same time I broke out in a most awful rash, which thankfully, has subsided.
Life is always changing . A doctor who treated me in Singapore once said to me, before I was about to move house, "If you think it will make you sick, it might and if you think it will be okay, it will." Maybe not the medical advice I had expected, but wise words that stuck and have carried me through many a trying time.

Some things remain the same . Every year before we set out on our CNY rounds, the children will 'Pang Teh', and we will give them our blessings with their ang pows. Some things remain constant. Like love.

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