Wednesday, August 18, 2010

work of heart

I set a goal for myself. 2 layouts and 2 cards a week. This week I haven't made anything. But last week I think I made my quota =) Well not 2 + 2 but I'm letting myself off the hook because this one took a whole day to put together. Not including all the coordination it took Alka and the other ladies in our Tuesday group. I don't do commissioned work because it takes too long. And, ok mostly because it's really hard to do what other people like.

So anyway, everyone wrote their messages on little squares. I was to use green & yellow, Jo's favourite colours. And butterflies please. And so I began on a Wednesday morning, after a 'meeting' on Monday with the ladies. Christina and Lerks sent their stuff on Tuesday and Nie left her houseguests to give her writing to me on Wednesday afternoon. I worked like an ant , but when I had to print some more photos, found that I was out of photo paper. So off to the mall, no time to dawdle and back to finish off the gift.

We decided to do a quilt style project, because Jo makes beautiful quilts. I had fun making the little spool, thread & all. Nice change to create for a gift instead of a class. Although I'm thinking we might do a similar class.

It was done by dinner time and we still managed to get to Dad's place for our tri weekly 'sleepover'. Puff, pant.

Happily, Jo loved it. She said we made her cry. The guys pretended to be mad they weren't asked to write. Maybe next time.

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