Sunday, December 23, 2007

no room at the inn

The first thing that came to my mind when I awoke today were these words, 'no room at the inn'.

Yesterday a friend asked what we would be doing for Christmas. That got me thinking. Apart from the meal our family will prepare on Christmas Eve and visiting a friend's home on Christmas Day, it will probably be quiet.
I heard that Sarah's friends are going to the mall to 'countdown to Christmas. Will Christ be there?

This season makes me, for want of a better word, sad. Last year I walked alone on Orchard Boulevard, tears streaming down my face. Amidst the beautiful lights and decorations, in a crowd of merry makers and shoppers, I felt alone.
There were people replicating the nativity scene, dressed as Joseph & Mary, even an innocent baby, wise men in tow.

Christ was born in a manger, on a bed of hay. There was no room at the inn. The wise men, bearing gifts, followed the star to bow down to the King of Kings.
This is Christmas!

As our family prepares to break bread together, as we offer our humble gifts of love to each other, I'm hoping that there will be room in our hearts to receive the greatest of gifts.

"...for behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy which will be to all people." (Luke 2 :8-10)

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